Learn to Play Polo Like the Pros:

Are You Ready To Become A Better Polo Player?

Regardless of whether you are a beginner, an amateur, an experienced player or a pro...
You can improve and transform your game! Watch the video for details...


The GavSays Polo Academy gives you the Skills & Knowledge of the pros, at your fingertips!

Start Your FREE Trial TODAY


Hi there, I'm Gav Chaplin and I would love to become your Online Polo Coach by inviting you to join me in the GavSays Polo Academy! 

If you are ready to move your polo to the next level...

  • If you are ready to start hitting all your shots with more consistency and direction ... Even under pressure
  • If you are ready to ride better, be quicker on the field, have more finesse with the reins, and get the correct seat/posture for all the different strokes
  • If you want to understand the correct strategies and tactics... AND be able to implement them on the field
  • And if you want to WIN more games and have more FUN

Then I would love you to join me inside the GavSays Polo Academy, where you'll learn all of those things, and discover EXACTLY how to progress YOUR Polo to the next level!

Here's The Story Of How It All Started:

I have been coaching polo players and teams successfully, across the globe, for over 30 years.

After years of playing professionally off 7 goals -- and learning from players such as Eduardo Moore (10) and Tommy Wayman (10)...

...I turned my attention to passing on all the knowledge that I had gained from those top players and horseman -- And from my own personal experience, into coaching others.


  • Coaching Leo Baxter’s “Stonefield” teams for 3 years (where his 22 goal team only lost 3 games in those 3 years and Leo’s handicap rose from -1 to 2 goals)...
  • To coaching the South African National team for 5 years with a 98% win record...
  • And having coached the likes of Nachi du Plessis (9), Jean du Plessis (7), Tom de Bruin (7), and Chris Mackenzie (7) at various times in their careers...
  • Plus hundreds of beginners and lower goal players...

I have had the most incredible journey of IMPACTING peoples' polo, helping them play better, win more, and ultimately ENJOY their polo more!

But in that time I realized that I could only impact and help a limited number of people when coaching "in-person"...

And for me, it just wasn't enough.

I wanted to be able to help more people play great polo, and to really love it when they played.

And so, I started creating videos from the coaching I was doing...

And when I started receiving comments like this:

I Knew I Was Onto Something
That Could Make a BIG Difference to a Lot of People!

So what is the GavSays Polo Academy?

Quite simply...

It's an online membership that gives you on-going training and lessons, from me and other experts and professionals, on all aspects of playing polo.

Including lessons on all the following topics:

✅ FIRSTLY: A New Lesson Is Added Every Week - Guided by your feedback.

✅ Swing Technique, Ball Hitting & Stickwork - Discover how to play all the shots, consistently, with accuracy, and with power when needed.

Including training series' on:

✔ Technique and Learning Stages for all the Shots

✔ Practice Drills

✔ Swing Analysis & Reviews

✔ Problem Solving

✔ Dribbling Techniques

✅ On-Field Tactics & Anticipation - Eliminate all the errors you are making on the field, learn how to have better anticipation, and discover how to be more effective with your marking, backhands, passes, ride-offs, set plays and more.

Including training series' on:

360 Vision & Anticipation

✔ How to Mark Better

✔ How to Win Ride-Offs

✔ Effective Backhands

✔ Plays, Timing, Speed & Passing

✔ Anti-Clockwise vs Clockwise in Attack

✔ How to Win & What to do at Your Set Plays (Throw-Ins, Knock-Ins & Penalties)

 Game Smarts

✔  AND so much more

✅ Improve Your Riding for Polo - Discover how your riding massively effects your ability to hit the ball, win plays and improve, and then learn how to actually become a better rider.

Including training series' on:

✔ The Correct Seat for Polo

✔ Lead Changes

✔ Rein Grips for Polo & Finesse with the Reins

✔ Use of Legs & Seat

✅ How to Improve, Own & Train Better Horses - Learn all the steps needed to train a top polo pony, improve the ones you have, and maintain them.

Including training series' on:

✔ Ground Work

✔ In-Saddle Training

✔ Problem Solving

✔ Bitting, Fitness, Maintenance, Feed, Care + MORE

✅ Fitness, Psychology & Mindset - The most overlooked part of your game. Are you mentally and physically fit and prepared? Learn the routines and mindsets you need to be a successful player and get tips on how to improve your fitness for the game.

✅ Rules - Learn more about the rules, the correct interpretations of them and how to use them to your advantage on the field.

✅ Plus ADDITIONAL Bonuses....

✔ The Bitting Masterclass (Valued at $200)

✔ Step-by-Step "Corrective Horse Training" with "Dancing" (Valued at $99)

✔ Dental Care & Awareness 101 Course with Luke Davey (Valued at $19.99)

✔ "In-Saddle" Horse Training Fundamentals Course (Valued at $169)

✅ And Also...

Monthly Live Coaching, Q&A, and Game Analysis Sessions:

Every month you will be able send in your questions and videos for Gav to answer and analyze, in our monthly live Coaching Sessions. Plus get to watch answers and reviews from past Q&A recordings.

Get Help & Support:

Through the Private Facebook Community Group...

Through the GavSays Polo Academy Facebook Group you'll be able to chat with others who are all working towards improving their polo through improving their horses, their riding, their ball hitting, their tactics, and more...

Plus get help and feedback directly from Gavin Chaplin and other experienced members of the Academy.

Start Your FREE Trial TODAY

"I believe that practice does not make perfect, it's perfect practice that makes perfect.

When you're practicing, you're creating habits and muscle memory.

SO YOU HAVE TO make sure you are practicing the right things and creating the right habits, PLUS muscle memory...

Which is exactly what I will be teaching how to do inside my Online Academy..."

Everything you need to know

"Everything you need to know and learn about polo in one place. A real treasure."

- Maaz Iqbal

Perfect Way... to Gain Knowledge and Technique after Work

"The Academy is a perfect way for a working person to gain knowledge and technique after the work day if finished."

- Kelly Coldiron

I Love Gav's Polo Academy

"I love Gav's Polo Academy for its in-depth instruction and accessibility on a variety of topics including horses."

- Susan Koehler

Love It

"Learning lots here with the ability to pause and think. It's unlike any other form out there to learn polo today. Love it."

- Tyneski 

So if You Are Frustrated With Any of The Following:

As I so often hear polo players saying....

  • "I can't get any consistency with my shots."
  • "I hit the ball perfectly when I'm stick and balling... But come game time and there's suddenly pressure... I start miss-hitting my shots or completely miss the ball."
  • "I can't get my horses to stop correctly!"
  • "I can't get my hooks right! I often attempt to hook too soon, and then miss entirely."
  • "I'm always late to a play and can't seem to get into the right place on the field"


  • If you're a more advanced player that simply wants to take your polo to the next level, advance your tactics and go up in handicap.


  • If you are an absolute beginner and need to know how to get started and what to learn next.


I'm here to tell you that with the right information you can absolutely:

  • Solve those frustrations,
  • Focus in on what you need to learn and practice in your stage of progression,
  • Learn how to play polo correctly from the beginning,
  • And absolutely take your polo to the next level, regardless of whether you're a beginner, an amatuer, or an experienced player going pro

If you are any of the above, then the GavSays Polo Academy is PERFECT for you!

Start Your FREE Trial TODAY

What Our Members & Clients Are Saying:


 "You can get so much knowledge here. There's something for every level..."

Erika Lipton,
Flying Cow Polo, USA


"I have learnt more in the last 3 months, then in the 7 years I've been playing..."

Barry Cloete,
Ottawa Polo Club, Canada


"The Academy is amazing! I love it. All the questions I've been thinking about have been answered."

Paul Myatt,
Val de Vie Polo Club, South Africa


"Once I found your videos and website, I really felt I had a source I could trust..."

Hunter Glass,
Margaritaville Polo Club, USA


"The more I watch those videos, the better it gets... The Academy is the best money you can spend in polo!"

Richard de Ramon,
Marylyn Polo Club, USA


"I went from a -1 to a 2 goal handicap, purely because of Gav's training videos..."

- Rob Hampson,
Richmond Polo Club,South Africa


"If you follow this you are going to get better. Wherever you're at in the world of polo, you're going to get better, and you're going to have more fun!"

Marshall Rosenburg,
Houston Polo Club, USA 


"It's hugely helpful to have the videos that you can go back to and look at again and again. That is HUGELY helpful!"

Kristina White,
Curraghmore Polo Club, Ireland


"I'll be learning off Gav for a long time."

Cameron Brawn, Adelaide Polo Club, Australia

Not only improves your polo... but gives you confidence

"Thank you for all the inspiring course content it has helped my polo immensely. It is an easy to understand, in depth comprehensive course that not only improves one's polo when applied, but gives one confidence to make certain plays on the field during a game."

- Berdine O.

Incredibly Helpful and Very Specific

"This is the only website I have found specific to polo that is incredibly helpful and very specific. If I have a problem in training my horse I can find some different ideas so I am not just doing the same thing that is not working. Also for myself, if I am getting beat in a certain play or not hitting a shot consistently or as well as I would like I can always find a solution. Lastly I find Gav VERY easy to understand and in a relaxed manner that allows me to learn what he is trying to teach. Please keep up the good work! I appreciate both Gav and Rob's help very much."

- Malia McCoy

My Understanding of the Game (Has) Increased Greatly

"After finding GavSays Polo Academy, my understanding of the game increased greatly . Having experience in other equine disciplines was helpful , but I wanted the how's & why's of the game. Starting polo at 56 was hard enough, I have gone through & back through the pillars and videos along with lessons weekly . I believe you'd be able to tell which players use all the Academy has to offer."

- Kim Smith

It has changed the way I approach the game

"Love your academy- it has changed the way I approach the game. While all of the polo ladies talk about your lessons- I can tell exactly which ones have actually studied them!"

- Elizabeth Owen

A One Stop Shop to Learn All Facets of The Polo Game

"Great content. Effectively a one stop shop to learn all facets of the polo game. Excellent"

- Sam Willis

For less than the price of a lesson you have a database of information

"This has been possibly one of the best things I've done to improve my Polo. Joining the GavSays polo Academy has taught me more strategy than I've learned on the field. For less than the price of a lesson you have a database of information covering you, your horse, and your equipment."

- Erika (Cleo) Lipton

I think GavSays is the absolute best tool out there for anyone at any level of polo

"I have been a member of GavSays for a few years now. I think this is the best tool anyone can use to improve their polo. At any given moment of your day, you can access GavSays and have a virtual lesson at your fingertips. If you take an hour lesson at home, you will pay far more for that one lesson than the academy costs for months! And how many of us retain all that is said in that one hour lesson? With the academy, you can go over the videos again and again and Gav and Rob will answer any questions you may have. You can send videos of yourself to Gav for critique. You can send videos of your game for review, too! A bonus perk is it is a wonderful way to connect with people around the world. I think GavSays is the absolute best tool out there for anyone at any level of polo; from beginners, to horse trainers, to weekend warriors, to high rated professionals, Gav can help us all."

- Wendy Stover


"Gav is OUTSTANDING! He has a fantastic framework to help you grow in Polo! Thank you for all that you do, Gav!"

- Oliver Williams

Direct and to the point... addresses all the aspects of polo

"I really like the lessons as they are direct and to the point - and addresses all the aspects of polo, but with a high focus on making/helping the horse collaborate. Many thanks."

- Christian Mellentin 

My stickwork and anticipation have graduated to a new level

"The online sessions and videos have really helped me drastically. My stickwork and anticipation have graduated to a new level. I wish and look forward for more training videos and tips and I'll continue to put in efforts and endeavour to execute and become a better player."

- Anant Rajpurohit

If You Want Similar Results...

NOW is the time to get started.

Pick an option below to start your FREE Trial in the Academy Today...

Monthly (FREE Trial)


14-Day Free Trial

Start Your FREE Trial

Quarterly (with Savings)


14-Day Free Trial & Save $32 per year

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Yearly (with Savings)


14-Day Free Trial & Save $70 (2 Free Months)

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Lifetime Membership

$2997 Single Payment

Pay Today & Get Lifetime Access


✅ Secure Checkout via Stripe or PayPal.
✅ No Contracts or Long-Term Commitments

"Hi Rob and Gav, thanks for sharing all your knowledge! We are so lucky to have you!" - Maud Germann

"Hi Gavin Chaplin! I want to thank you for all your instruction. I find your videos very helpful and always looking forward to a new one." - B Kainula Pitzella

"Amazing. Learnt more in 5 mins, than the 7 years been playing. I wish I knew about this when I started." - Barry Cloete

"But by far the best thing about listening to you speak is your enthusiasm for the game. It's so infectious!! It really makes me want to get out and practice more." - Rob Hoe

"So what I am saying is your videos have been a huge help in fixing the things that I do know are wrong...... but I've also realized there is so much to polo that I don't even know I should be asking about until I watch a video where you go into it." - Syavash Pahore

Frequently Asked Questions:

Still Have More Questions?

Simply send a mail through the form below and we'll get them answered for you...

Still On The Fence? Look at This...

This week I got a message... saying that they raised my handicap

"I just wanted to say that GavSays Polo Academy is a great platform, and it has been really useful in my polo. This week I got a message from the Association Argentina de Polo, saying that they raised my handicap from one to two goals (women's hcp), and much of it is because of your help through all the videos that you put in the Academy and all the tools that you offer us to be able to improve. So all that I can say is thank you very much."

- María de la Cruz Güiraldes, Argentina

Since being a member... my handicap has gone up to 6 goals

"Since being a member of GavSays, my handicap has gone up to 6 goals in NZ and I'm still picking up little bits and bobs all the time. And improving my game! Amazing what you can still learn at any stage of your polo career!! And I think GavSays is the best place to improve every aspect of your game!! Just keep doing what you're doing. I think is fantastic and can help players at every level!! I'm still learning all the time!!"

- Kit Brooks

Not only improves your polo... but gives you confidence

"Thank you for all the inspiring course content it has helped my polo immensely. It is an easy to understand, in depth comprehensive course that not only improves one's polo when applied, but gives one confidence to make certain plays on the field during a game."

- Berdine O.

It has changed the way I approach the game

"Love your academy- it has changed the way I approach the game. While all of the polo ladies talk about your lessons- I can tell exactly which ones have actually studied them!"

- Elizabeth Owen

A One Stop Shop to Learn All Facets of The Polo Game

"Great content. Effectively a one stop shop to learn all facets of the polo game. Excellent"

- Sam Willis

The Single Best Way For Me... to Learn More and Improve

"GavSays Polo Academy was the single best way for me, living an hours drive from our local polo ground, to be able to learn more and improve. I get a lot out of it."

- Peter Macintyre, New Zealand

I think GavSays is the absolute best tool out there for anyone at any level of polo

"I have been a member of GavSays for a few years now. I think this is the best tool anyone can use to improve their polo. At any given moment of your day, you can access GavSays and have a virtual lesson at your fingertips. If you take an hour lesson at home, you will pay far more for that one lesson than the academy costs for months! And how many of us retain all that is said in that one hour lesson? With the academy, you can go over the videos again and again and Gav and Rob will answer any questions you may have. You can send videos of yourself to Gav for critique. You can send videos of your game for review, too! A bonus perk is it is a wonderful way to connect with people around the world. I think GavSays is the absolute best tool out there for anyone at any level of polo; from beginners, to horse trainers, to weekend warriors, to high rated professionals, Gav can help us all."

- Wendy Stover

Incredibly Helpful and Very Specific

"This is the only website I have found specific to polo that is incredibly helpful and very specific. If I have a problem in training my horse I can find some different ideas so I am not just doing the same thing that is not working. Also for myself, if I am getting beat in a certain play or not hitting a shot consistently or as well as I would like I can always find a solution. Lastly I find Gav VERY easy to understand and in a relaxed manner that allows me to learn what he is trying to teach. Please keep up the good work! I appreciate both Gav and Rob's help very much."

- Malia McCoy

My Understanding of the Game (Has) Increased Greatly

"After finding GavSays Polo Academy, my understanding of the game increased greatly . Having experience in other equine disciplines was helpful , but I wanted the how's & why's of the game. Starting polo at 56 was hard enough, I have gone through & back through the pillars and videos along with lessons weekly . I believe you'd be able to tell which players use all the Academy has to offer."

- Kim Smith

You Will Improve Substantially

"It ( the GavSays Polo Academy) answers the questions you were afraid to ask, the questions you didn't know to ask and from a place of absolute passion for the sport. You will improve, substantially, from listening to the lessons and experience imparted."

- Will Peacock

Has Made Me More Effective and The Game More Fun

"I've been playing for over 25 years, and I regret I did not have the GavSays instructional opportunity back when I started. His instruction has made me more effective and the game more fun. It is helping me remain a relevant competitor, even though I'm 20 to 40 years older than most of my fellow players."

- Jim Horne

For less than the price of a lesson you have a database of information

"This has been possibly one of the best things I've done to improve my Polo. Joining the GavSays polo Academy has taught me more strategy than I've learned on the field. For less than the price of a lesson you have a database of information covering you, your horse, and your equipment."

- Erika (Cleo) Lipton

Perfect Way... to Gain Knowledge and Technique after Work

"The Academy is a perfect way for a working person to gain knowledge and technique after the work day if finished."

- Kelly Coldiron

I Love Gav's Polo Academy

"I love Gav's Polo Academy for its in-depth instruction and accessibility on a variety of topics including horses."

- Susan Koehler

Love It

"Learning lots here with the ability to pause and think. It's unlike any other form out there to learn polo today. Love it."

- Tyneski 

The Best Polo Education

"I've always said GavSays is the best Polo Education on the internet."

- Jeff Scheraga


"Gav is OUTSTANDING! He has a fantastic framework to help you grow in Polo! Thank you for all that you do, Gav!"

- Oliver Williams

Direct and to the point... addresses all the aspects of polo

"I really like the lessons as they are direct and to the point - and addresses all the aspects of polo, but with a high focus on making/helping the horse collaborate. Many thanks."

- Christian Mellentin 

My stickwork and anticipation have graduated to a new level

"The online sessions and videos have really helped me drastically. My stickwork and anticipation have graduated to a new level. I wish and look forward for more training videos and tips and I'll continue to put in efforts and endeavour to execute and become a better player."

- Anant Rajpurohit

Everything you need to know

"Everything you need to know and learn about polo in one place. A real treasure."

- Maaz Iqbal

Highly recommended to join this specially for new polo players

"Highly recommended to join this specially for new polo players . Things are taught straight from the heart by Gav. Many concepts are cleared with his detailed videos, followed by live Q&A. Well done keep it up"

- Dr Qasim Ali

If you follow this you are going to get better and have more fun!

"If you follow this you are going to get better. Wherever you're at in the world of polo, you're going to get better, and you're going to have more fun!"

- Marshall Rosenburg
Start Your FREE Trial Today