Very few people realize just how much time, effort and passion goes in to every video lesson that Gav produces.
It is an immense amount of work, that gets filled with his undying passion for the sport, and deserves every bit of appreciation we can give him.
From the entire GavSays Polo Academy team, "THANK YOU GAV!"
The Passion & Hours-Upon-Hours that Gav Pours in to Polo
Gav, thanks again for your time. I know you, you are, I mean, an exceptionally busy person between running the Kings Polo Academy up there, and the tournament's and all the commentating you've had to do this weekend.
But then also just the, you know, the hours and hours that you put into editing the videos that go into this Academy. You know, I think people don't really appreciate just how much work goes into each of those videos.
You always say it's about an hours work converts into about a minutes, time on a video. And to be honest, it's probably more than that because the amount of time that you have to spend, you know, finding those videos, taking them, putting them together, it's actually an absolutely phenomenal piece of a program that you've put together, and it's made all the difference to me.
I wouldn't be playing like I am now. I've still got a long way to go, but I wouldn't be playing as a 2 goaler and be coaching people, like I am now.
The only reason why I've got to a level where people come to me for advice, and for coaching, and for lessons, is purely because of everything that I've learnt in through you.
So, as you know, from the bottom of my heart, thank you, Gav. The passion that you put into polo, the passion that you put into coaching is just it's, it's unbelievable actually, it's really incredible.
So, yeah, the polo world actually owes you a lot, just because of how much, and how passionate you are, and how much you put into it.
So, yeah Rob. Thank you. It keeps me young, keeps me fired up, keeps me living and getting out of bed day to day. So, it really is a pleasure and I love doing it. So, thank you for those kind words. Awesome.
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