This lesson is about learning to anticipate better, so you are not to go to plays that have already happened or to plays that you cannot change the...
This is a simple yet brilliant video showing you why, firstly being man focused, and then owning the inside of the field, is SO EFFECTIVE in both...
Can you make a ride-off on a higher goal player?
Yes, absolutely!
It's all about the timing of the ride-off, and this is how you do...
360 Vision is so important on the field, not only from a safety perspective, but also if you want to be effective in the game.
It will can...
So... you're feeling a bit battered in a chukka, especially after a ride-off? What can you do about it?
Here I chat about a few tips that can help...
Why on earth would you mark in attack?
This advice flies in the face of most of the advice you will ever be given. Take a look at this video to see...
Beginners tend to struggle with what to do on the field with positioning and tactics. What to do next during a play? where to place yourself? What...
What should I be doing when my high goaler has the ball...Marking or running into space?
Part of the answer to this question depends on your...
Which is the wiser thing to up front for the pass or follow behind? It really depends on what your other players are doing and how the...
Do you ever get this mixed instruction on the polo field? It's one of the most frustrating things that can happen on the field...
The question...
"What should I do when I find myself at the back, in the number 4 position?"
At some point, regardless of your level, every polo player will find...
When going to a player with the ball, should you go stick side or inside? Watch to find out...
Mallet Side or Inside