Do you find that it gets tricky when the ball is against the boards & you have to play it...
This is something that I see so many players...
Why on earth would you mark in attack?
This advice flies in the face of most of the advice you will ever be given. Take a look at this video to see...
Is there a difference between pre-season & in-season training?
We chat to India Parker to find out her thoughts on this.
Polo Fitness:...
Do you want to know how play the nearside shot properly?
Most people are coached to turn 'backwards' to play it....
In this polo lesson I...
After the great response to our past Chukka Reviews, I decided to upload another one that Rob and I did a while back.
Having a full chukka or game...
Beginners tend to struggle with what to do on the field with positioning and tactics. What to do next during a play? where to place yourself? What...
Want to hit a long, directed & consistent polo ball?
Then your balance is critical! If you get your balance right when hitting the ball, you...
Some horses, especially young inexperienced horses, struggle when they come to a boarded field when it is not something they are used to.
Here's a quick video on how to prevent and deal with common polo injuries. Broken riding muscles and tennis elbow are some of the most common which...
Here's how to hold the reins for Polo and how to have real FINESSE and CONTROL with the reins...
More finesse gives you better control of...
Want to mark more effectively? Then you need to "Own the Inside of the Field!"
Own the Inside of the Field (How & Why)
What is the correct seat for Polo & how do you practice it?
Here are some tips on getting it right & practicing getting your legs strong...