How Do I Make Quick Lead Changes with my Polo Pony?

Flying Lead Changes are all about legs, hips, weight distribution & using these to give the correct signals at the correct time.

How do you...

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How Can I Get More Loft & Length in my Swing - Answering Your Polo Questions

Before you look at LOFT & LENGTH, look at your wrist action & grip. Without fixing these, you won't attain the loft or length you are...

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How Do Condition Polo Ponies for Competition-Answering Your Polo Questions

Do you find that your horses are a bit sluggish on the first day of a tournament? You may be conditioning them incorrectly.

Here we chat about how...

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How to Play a Neckshot - Polo Swing Techniques

The biggest mistake I see being made with a neckshot, is trying to start the swing as a forehand swing. 

Remember that with every swing, the...

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A Horse That Doesn't Accept the Bit & Shakes the Head

Is your horse grabbing the bit & shaking it's head? It is really a bitting issue or rather a training issue?  

Have you unknowingly...

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Polo Playing Tip: How to Use Two Hands on the Reins

Every wonder why it is so important to have 2 hands on the reins when checking up?
Here I show you how to accomplish this and explain why it is so...

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How Long Should My Reins Be

Ever wonder what the correct length is for your reins while you ride? Remembering that this is the 'steering wheel' of the horse.

Here are my...

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Developing Consistent 360 Vision

360 Vision is so important on the field, not only from a safety perspective, but also if you want to be effective in the game.

It will can...

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So... you're feeling a bit battered in a chukka, especially after a ride-off? What can you do about it?

Here I chat about a few tips that can help...

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Timing is Key

When it comes to hitting a penalty, there is lots to be said about where your focus should be.

From weight transfer, swing mechanics, body...

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Polo Fitness: Exercising with a Prolapsed Disk

Ever had a prolapsed disk? NOT pleasant.

It's a situation most people would not like to find themselves in... But it could very well happen.


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Polo Pony Tips: Fixing a Horse That Runs Away With You on the Field

Do you have a horse that tends to run away from you on the field?

Or completely takes hold of the bit an d you are unable to stop it.

This question...

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